B.S. in Exercise Science
IU School of Health and Human Sciences
I decided to major in Exercise Science because of my athletic background, passion, and involvement of sports. I chose this major track because as a student athlete I understand all the barriers that we encounter that deter us from playing at our optimal performance. I want to involve myself with this degree because I know from personal experience all the frustration of wanting to do more, but being limited by multiple things mainly injuries. Adding on to that, I find it interesting and want to understand why my body feels the way it does and what I can personally do to improve the way it feels. Although the courses this year have been challenging from time to time, it is engaging and focusing my interests as opposed to previous subjects I have taken. With that said, I know I will do what I can to commit my focus on the courses to learn the material to the best of my ability.
Career Goals
My career goals are focused more towards rehabilitation mainly focusing on athletes. Overall what I want to accomplish and get out of my future career is the ability to go in each day and work on something that I am satisfied with. As of now, my career path are Athletic Training and Physical Therapy. I am looking at both of fields because I have endured multiple injuries, whether they were minor or major, that have prevented me from running and competing. Not only that, but I have met lots of trainers and PA's that have made the process of rehabilitating a tolerable one, which is what I want to develop for patients. I think that having this experience will allow me to relate to patients that I may encounter, and helping them deal with their frustration and injuries. A big part of what I would like to see stem from my career path is seeing the development and personal success of individuals that I would help. Whether it might be overcoming a minor mental block or coming off a severe injury and doing an action that has not happened during the course of the injury. I want to be there along the way knowing that I helped someone reach their fullest capabilities and working even beyond. Both careers would allow me to encounter this, they allow me to see the growth, which would give me satisfaction knowing I helped in the process.